Deutsche Fischfang-Union (DFFU), located in Cuxhaven, is the oldest fishing company in Germany with more than one-hundred-year history. Alda owns 100% of the shares in DFFU through the holding company CR Cuxhavener Reederei GmbH.

Logo Dffu

DFFU operates two trawlers, the Cuxhaven NC 100 and the Berlin NC 107. These trawlers are capable of processing a wide variety of fish products on board, including fresh fish, frozen at sea products, headed and gutted products, and fish fillets. This allows the company to be flexible and responsive to changing market demands. DFFUs fishing grounds are mainly in Greenland's East and West waters, Svalbard waters, and the Norwegian coast 62°North. DFFU products are sold worldwide, but mainly in Europe and Asia.

DFFU has two offices in Cuxhaven. A head office and a vessel management facility.

Mr Baldvin Thorsteinsson and Mr Samuel Rodriguez Ortega are the Managing Directors of DFFU.