Nergård AS

Nergård is a vertically integrated fishery group in Northern Norway. Nergård's headquarters are in Tromsø. Alda owns 39,9% of the shares in the company.

Breidtind 927 Vard Brattvaag 1 Foto VARD Og Kvalsvik

Founded in 1947 and initially a family business, Nergård has grown from operating a small processing plant in Senja into a significant player in the Norwegian fishing industry. The company currently owns trawlers and production companies from Lofoten to West Finnmark.

As an integrated seafood company, Nergård's operations include catching, processing and sales. The company operates four trawlers and two modern MSC-certified processing plants producing frozen whole round and fillet products.

Nergård has access to fish from some of the best-managed stocks in the world and catches and produces from pelagics and whitefish species. The company produces products from whitefish such as cod, haddock and saithe, as well as Greenland halibut and redfish, and numerous other whitefish species with more modest volumes. Furthermore, the company is a significant supplier of products from pelagics such as herring, capelin and mackerel.

Nergård supplies fresh fish, salted fish, clipfish and stockfish. The company also supplies headed and gutted cod, saithe, haddock and Greenland halibut for further processing.

Mr Tommy Torvanger is the CEO of Nergård.