NRL was founded in 1986 by 25 Newfoundland seafood companies to harvest and deliver large quantities of groundfish for the benefit of Newfoundland factories. Following the demise of the Canadian groundfish stocks, NRL received an offshore shrimp license in 1991 and transformed into a shrimp company.
In February 2017, NRL christened the company's flagship vessel, the Newfoundland Victor, which can harvest over 10,000mt annually. The ship was built according to class notation CLEAN, covering requirements for design and equipment which reduce the environmental impact from emissions to air, discharges to sea, and deliveries to shore.
NRL currently offers a wide selection of products in different sizes. The company's three primary product forms for the traditional Pandalus Borealis shrimp are 3.5 kg raw blocks for Japan, 5 kg whole cooked and 16 kg industrial sacks. Through its long-term partnership with Makivik Corporation, NRL is also able to produce Pandalus Montagui shrimp in these three forms.
Mr Mark Quinlan is the CEO of Newfound Resources Ltd.