The report was prepared with reference to the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). The environmental section includes information on Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, water and marine resources, waste, and packaging, among other topics.
As in previous years, most of the group’s emissions come from fuel consumption. Currently, more than 99% of Alda Seafood’s GHG emissions stem from fuel used on fishing vessels. The company acknowledges that transitioning to low-emission operations will require industry-wide innovation and collaboration. In the short term, Alda Seafood is focusing on improving fuel efficiency through vessel design and operational practices, while closely monitoring advancements in alternative fuel technologies.
The chapter on social information covers key topics related to employees and other workers, working conditions, and occupational health and safety. Additionally, the report includes data on community support. The governance section provides detailed information on the company’s business conduct policies and corporate culture.