The Berlin NC 107 is a high-tech factory trawler and the latest addition to the fleet of Deutsche Fischfang Union GmbH (DFFU), our subsidiary in Germany. The vessel was built by VARD in Norway. Following a two-year design and building process, DFFU took delivery of the vessel at VARD’s site in Brattvåg, Norway, on 27 February.
Seavar Berg Hannesson is the factory manager onboard the Berlin NC 107. His involvement in the vessel's design and building process began as soon as the building contract with VARD was signed.
“I consider myself lucky to have been part of this project. I was part of a team responsible for designing the processing deck, and I believe the strategy we implemented was successful. One of the most significant changes we have seen in fisheries in recent years is the full utilisation of raw materials onboard, ensuring nothing goes to waste. Our processing line enables us to store all the skin and pack it frozen. We also have a mincing machine from Sepamatic that separates all the bone from the bone columns and heads, allowing us to fully utilise the extra meat that would have been discarded at sea in the past. This mince is then either packaged or pumped to ensilage tanks, and the customer pays for the protein content, as is done with fishmeal,” says Hannesson.
Saevar Berg Hannesson
Hannesson is an experienced fisherman, having been at sea for 27 years. "So much has changed during this period in terms of new technology and product development. Back then, it would have been difficult to believe there could be so much progress, let alone being able to experience it firsthand”. He also mentions the accommodations onboard the Berlin NC 107. “All living quarters are bright and spacious. The crew can spend their time off shifts using the gym, sauna, or hot tub," says Hannesson.
See the Berlin NC 107 in the video below, showing footage taken during the vessel’s first crewed trip after its delivery at the end of February.